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Online Zoom Conference: Baptism in the Reformation Era

From Karin Maag, Director, H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies

This fall, the Meeter Center for Calvin Studies in Grand Rapids is inaugurating a series of live Zoom sessions on Reformation topics. Each session will feature one or more scholars talking about their recent work. You are warmly invited to join the first of these, namely the Meeter Center-sponsored moderated Zoom session on Baptism in the Reformation Era on Thursday, September 24th at 3:30 pm EST, featuring Dr. Lyle Bierma and Dr. Yudha Thianto.

Lyle Bierma is professor of historical theology at Calvin Theological Seminary.  His upcoming book, Font of Pardon and New Life: John Calvin and the Efficacy of Baptism will be published by Oxford University Press in early 2021.  He will discuss Calvin’s theology of baptism.  Yudha Thianto is professor of theology at Trinity Christian College, and is researching the practice of Reformed baptism in seventeenth-century Java.  After each of them speak for twenty minutes, we will host a moderated Q & A, followed by a time of discussion.  Plan on using the chat feature to submit your questions and insights.

Please use the following link to sign up for this live Zoom session event:    If you are not available on September 24 but want to watch/listen to the recording of the session, we will post the link to the recorded session on our Facebook and Twitter pages.  There are 96 slots available, so sign up early if you want to be sure that you can participate.